River's Edge Arms




The core element of any practical shooting sport. The gun. Often guns, like shoes, fit differently from person to person. Finding the right gun for your sport and your hand can be a costly endeavor if you fall into the trap of constant upgrades, changes, or modifications. Let River’s Edge Arms help you through this process and get you into the gun and gear best suited for your needs or sport.


If you are anything like us, one gun won’t do. The flashlight rule is in effect when it comes to competition guns. If one gun is good, two is better. Whether you are a new shooter or a shooter who is a little further along in their journey and know what they want, River’s Edge Arms offers firearm transfer services. Bring the details to us, and we take it from there. No need to worry about the shipping, receiving, and paperwork, we’ve got you covered. It’s just that easy. 

Axe & Award shaped like Washington side by side


This is what it’s all about for us. Seeing the success of the shooters we support and shoot with.  River’s Edge Arms has several methods for creating awards and we understand the logistical difficulties associated with being the match director for a sanctioned match. Awards don’t have to be one of those headaches. River’s Edge Arms has wholesale access to the largest selections of awards in the country with the ability to complete awards inhouse.